Don't Worry, Be Happy

Saturday, December 7, 2013

With finals happening right now, I definitely know what it's like to be stressed. I get stressed really easily, but I have found some simple ways to alleviate that stress!

 1. Watch an episode of The Office. This always makes me feel better. The episodes are only 20 minutes long so it's not too long of break, but just enough to where I can rest my brain. The Office is my all time favorite show and I can always count on Micheal or Dwight to make me laugh. 

2. Go Outside! This is one of the easiest ones and it really does make a huge difference. Just stepping outside and breathing some fresh air does a lot to clear the mind. 

3. Get Coffee! Whenever I am really stressed I like to treat myself with some "fancy" coffee. White Chocolate Mocha anyone? If you don't like coffee then get a nice hot tea :)

4. Blast the music and do a quick clean. This ALWAYS helps with relieving some stress. My room can always use a quick clean and blasting my winter playlist while I clean for about 10 minutes leaves me feeling accomplished! 

5. Lastly, make a list of everything you need to get done. Even if you won't get to everything in that one day, getting all that's stressing you out onto some paper will help in calming your brain from over thinking. 

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