New Years' Resolutions

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Here it is New Years' Eve! I can't believe the year is over and it will be 2014 in less than 24 hours! 2013 was a great year and I can't wait to see what's in store for the next year.

Most people for their New Years' Resolution like to come up with specific goals to tackle but this time I decided that my resolution will be much simpler, to just keep moving forward.

For the next year, I just want to keep moving forward with where I am now. I want to continue doing well in school, I want to keep moving forward in the direction of my long-term goal of becoming a doctor. I want to keep moving forward with my other passions by sharing them through my blog and YouTube videos. I want to keep moving forward and staying positive and remember all the lessons I learned this past year. I do not want to settle for anything that's less than what I want. I just feel my life slowly shaping into what I want and I want to keep pushing to get it there. I want to keep trying new things and to stay away from my comfort zone. 

Hopefully, this next year will be just as great, if not better than 2013. I hope you all have enjoyed my December Days of Blogging! I have enjoyed making them. I will continue making posts throughout the year just not everyday! 

So, what are you resolutions for the new year? 

1 comment

  1. I love it and I cant wait till you r a doctor my baby girl would like to be one to but I have a blog too I hope you c mine too


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